For those unfamiliar, the One Piece manga series was created by Eiichiro Oda and it follows the epic story of Monkey D. Luffy, who assembles a pirate crew and sets off on a quest to find a treasure buried by the legendary “Red Haired” Shanks. Luffy has also acquired the ability to stretch like rubber, having consumed a special type of fruit that grants him this power. The manga was adapted into an anime series in 1999, and both the manga and anime series have been running for over 20 years. With a live-action adaptation coming to Netflix soon, more anime fans will be checking out One Piece on Netflix, so read the details about the number of episodes and sagas available to stream on Netflix U.S., and where to stream all the episodes below. Note that this article will be regularly updated with the latest information, so feel free to bookmark this page.

How many episodes of One Piece are available to stream on Netflix?

Only the first few seasons of One Piece, as listed by Netflix, are available to stream on the streaming service, so that means you can watch the first 325 episodes of the beloved anime series on Netflix now. Only a few sagas of One Piece are available to stream on Netflix, including East Blue, Alabasta, Sky Island, and Water Seven. Sadly, this is just a fraction of the total amount of One Piece episodes, so Netflix is hundreds of episodes far behind.

How many episodes of One Piece are there right now?

At the time of this writing, the latest episode of One Piece is Episode 1042. One Piece Episode 1043 is set to release on December 3 or Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022 (depending on your time zone). The new episode will premiere in Japan and will be broadcast on Fuji TV A preview for the upcoming episode has already been released.

You can read more details about the next One Piece episode here. With 1039 episodes already, that means Netflix is about 700+ episodes behind, and it looks like that gap will slightly narrow soon.

When will Netflix U.S. add more seasons of One Piece?

The East Blue, Alabasta, and Sky Island sagas are available to stream on Netflix. There’s a slim chance that Netflix will acquire the rights to stream the Thriller Bark and Summit War sagas in the near future, and that’s because the Summit War saga will take the episode count to more than 500, taking up a huge majority of the total English dubbed episodes produced by Funimation. It’s likely that Netflix’s live-action adaptation of One Piece will be released before the rest of the anime episodes will arrive on Netflix. You can read more details about the live-action One Piece show here. Currently, Netflix hasn’t announced any plans to add more seasons of One Piece to Netflix U.S., but there are more episodes available in other Netflix regions.

Where can I watch all the episodes of One Piece?

Both Funimation and Crunchyroll have all the latest episodes of One Piece available to stream. They are in Japanese with English subtitles, but there are over 693 episodes that have English dubs. You can also watch One Piece on Hulu, but there are only 11 seasons available, so there are only 698 episodes available to stream on the streaming service.

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