Created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story features a controversial look at the life and crimes of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who was played in the series by American Horror Story star Evan Peters. The 10-episode series broke all kinds of new records for the streaming service, and has been a major pop culture phenomenon.
Here’s what Netflix announced with the renewal of Monster: A Jeffrey Dahmer Story for two more seasons:
Bela Bajaria, Head of Global TV, Netflix:
Monster’s renewal will likely rekindle all kinds of controversy. The show has faced controversy for re-igniting the horrors of Dahmer’s crimes for communities and victims’ families. The popularity the show made Jeffrey Dahmer a pop culture celebrity again as the series became one of the most highly-trending Netflix topics in recent months. All ten episodes of Monster: A Jeffrey Dahmer are now available to stream on Netflix.