But did his loyalty to the Blacks also lead to his downfall? A deleted scene from House of the Dragon Episode 9 may have confirmed what happened to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard after his confrontation with Ser Criston Cole. In House of the Dragon Episode 9, the Greens got to work installing Prince Aegon II Targaryen to the Iron Throne. However, Lord Lyman Beesbury resisted and was killed by Ser Criston Cole, who was then confronted by Ser Harrold. Although the two didn’t fight, the Lord Commander ultimately took off his white cloak and walked out of the council.

But was there a Round 2 for Ser Harrold and Ser Criston? Graham McTavish confirmed with TVLine that there was an extended version of the confrontation between the two that could reveal what happened to the Lord Commander. “There was actually a line which I was a bit disappointed it didn’t make it in, where I’m facing off with him in the end. It was about ‘The rats in the Red Keep have more honor than you.’ He really let him have it in that sense,” he said. “I understand why they would have maybe kept that out, because if you have that statement, what is the reaction from somebody?” McTavish continued. “What is the believable reaction from somebody as hot-headed as Criston Cole? So, I can see why they might have left it out, but that’s certainly what he’s thinking, that this person standing in front of him has no honor. None,” he concluded. At this point, we’re hoping that the scene was left out because we will find out that Ser Harrold escaped the Red Keep and made it into safety. However, we’ll have to wait until House of the Dragon Season 2 to find out for sure.

House of the Dragon Deleted Scene Possibly Confirmed Ser Harrold s Fate - 76